Gear VR’s most noticeable change revolves around its main point of interaction: the touchpad.

After previously testing the mobile VR waters with the Gear VR “Innovator Edition,” the company is going forward with a new $100 model fully intended for mass consumption by owners of Samsung’s recent flagship phones. But before Samsung got to this point, those two limited releases from the last year provided invaluable information for designing the Gear VR that was given a wide release today, both from developers making software and from users of the headset.

Developed in conjunction with virtual reality-trailblazer Oculus, the focal point of these insights primarily revolve around one important area: the touchpad located on the right side of the headset.

“We’ve given lots of demos of Gear VR and everybody can touch their temple. But it’s still a new behavior to touch the temple of the Gear VR. The touchpad is one of those things that when you go through the tutorial, it becomes really natural,” Nick DiCarlo, VP of Immersive Products and Virtual Reality at Samsung, tells Co.Design.

Read the full article at Co.Design.