If you’re not an early adopter or serious gamer, don’t get too excited over the breakthrough VR headset — yet.

On Friday, Oculus VR released the specs it recommends for the PC that will be necessary to use Oculus Rift when the company releases its virtual-reality headset in the first quarter of 2016:

  • NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD 290 equivalent or greater
  • Intel i5-4590 processor equivalent or greater
  • 8GB+ RAM
  • Compatible HDMI 1.3 video output
  • 2 USB 3.0 ports
  • Windows 7 SP1 or newer

A post by Atman Binstock, chief architect at Oculus, states, “The Rift will be capable of delivering comfortable presence for nearly everyone. However, this requires the entire system working well…We believe this ‘it just works’ experience will be fundamental to VR’s success.” Binstock’s post also makes clear that Rift will be mostly be a device for owners of desktop PCs: He says that almost no current laptops meet Oculus’s minimum specs, though upcoming models may provide enough computational oomph.

Read the full article at Fast Company.