This weekend is International Tabletop Day. Whether you are going to an event an a game store or holding a tournament at the house, you better be prepared for the celebration. Here are ten highly-rated games, presented in alphabetical order, that should scratch that itch to play.


Popular because taking turns placing colorful tiles and claiming the increasingly larger fields and castles can be surprisingly strategic, yet it is a relatively quick game.

You might like it if building a large medieval landscape of fields and castles one tile at a time interests you. And there is the almost jigsaw puzzle-like joy of playing the perfect tile in a hole.


7 Wonders

Popular because this card game is addictively intricate, but also relatively approachable. Build your civilization one card at a time, working with and against your neighboring players. And it has the rare virtue of supporting as many as seven players–eight if you also have the Cities expansion.

You might like it if a game with flexible strategies and complex options are your thing. That and you like the idea of playing just the right card, at the right moment, preventing your opponent from using it later.

Read the full article at MTV Geek.